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Exposing Local Instance

There are situations when you would like to expose your local environment to external clients, for example:

  • Show your project to the manager.
  • Integrate with the new payment gateway, which requires a return URL.
  • Test the app deployed in the cloud.

To achieve that, you need a service for redirecting the traffic. Such service is delivered by ngrok and localtunnel. Both are great for our use case, and you can choose any of those services.

Using ngrok​

  1. Append ngrok URL to ALLOWED_CLIENT_HOSTS environment variable.
  2. Start Saleor on your machine.
  3. Follow ngrok installation guide.
  4. Start a tunnel in your command line ngrok http 8000.
  5. Your server is now exposed under ngrok domain (for example: Copy that address.
  6. Enter ngrok URL at Site Settings configuration.