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A transaction represents a payment instance created in Order or Checkout. It holds a list of events that make up the payment process. Each event has a type that describes the action taken on the transaction. You can see the complete list of events in the TransactionEventTypeEnum.

Besides the events, a transaction also contains other payment information, like the amount or currency.

Amount rounding​

If the provided amount uses more decimal places than used currency, it will be rounded to the nearest value.

For example:

  • 19.999 USD will become 20.00 USD
  • 10.2 JPY will become 10 JPY

Creating transactions​

Transaction stores details of a payment transaction attached to an order or a checkout:

The transactionCreate mutation takes the following arguments:

  • id: The ID of the checkout or order.
  • transaction: Input data required to create a new transaction object.
  • transactionEvent: Data that defines a transaction event. It can be used to provide more context about the current state of the transaction.

The transactionCreate can only be called by staff users or apps with the HANDLE_PAYMENTS permission.

The following example shows how you can use the transactionCreate mutation to create a new transaction.

The transaction was authorized, and the payment was made with a credit card. The actions that can be called from Saleor are: CANCEL and CHARGE. The authorized amount is $99.

mutation {
id: "Q2hlY2tvdXQ6MWQzNmU5YzctYWEwYS00NzM5LTk0MGQtNzdjNmU4Mjc5YmQ0"
transaction: {
name: "Credit card"
message: "Authorized"
pspReference: "PSP-ref123"
availableActions: [CANCEL, CHARGE]
amountAuthorized: { currency: "USD", amount: 99 }
externalUrl: ""
) {
transaction {

The response:

"data": {
"transactionCreate": {
"transaction": {
"id": "VHJhbnNhY3Rpb25JdGVtOjE="
"extensions": {
"cost": {
"requestedQueryCost": 0,
"maximumAvailable": 50000

Updating transactions​

The transactionUpdate mutation allows updating the transaction details. It takes the following arguments:

  • id: The ID of the transaction.
  • transaction: Input data that will be used to update the transaction object.
  • transactionEvent: Data that defines a transaction event. It can be used to provide more context about the current state of the transaction.

The transactionUpdate can only be called by staff users with the HANDLE_PAYMENTS permission or by the App that created the the transaction and has HANDLE_PAYMENTS permission.

The following example shows how you can use the transactionUpdate mutation to update the transaction.

The available action is REFUND. The authorized funds are charged, so amountAuthorized is $0 and amountCharged is $99.

mutation {
id: "VHJhbnNhY3Rpb25JdGVtOjE="
transaction: {
name: "Credit card"
message: "Authorized"
pspReference: "PSP-ref123"
availableActions: [REFUND]
amountAuthorized: { currency: "USD", amount: 0 }
amountCharged: { currency: "USD", amount: 99 }
transactionEvent: {
message: "Payment charged"
pspReference: "PSP-ref123.charge"
) {
transaction {
Expand β–Ό

The response:

"data": {
"transactionUpdate": {
"transaction": {
"id": "VHJhbnNhY3Rpb25JdGVtOjE="
"extensions": {
"cost": {
"requestedQueryCost": 0,
"maximumAvailable": 50000

During the update of transactions, all funds that go to a new state should be subtracted from the previous state. Assuming we have a transaction with authorizedAmount equal to 100 USD. Moving the authorizedAmount to chargedAmount requires setting the authorizedAmount to 0.

This complexity is handled automatically when Payment Apps are used instead of a custom app.

mutation {
id: "VHJhbnNhY3Rpb25JdGVtOjE="
transaction: {
status: "Charged"
availableActions: [REFUND]
amountAuthorized: { currency: "USD", amount: 0 }
amountCharged: { currency: "USD", amount: 100 }
transactionEvent: {
status: SUCCESS
name: "Charged credit card"
reference: "PSP-ref123.charge"
) {
transaction {
Expand β–Ό

Reporting actions for transactions​

The transactionEventReport is used to report a new transaction event. The newly created event will be used to recalculate the transaction's amounts. The mutation should be used for handling action requests or reporting any changes that happened on the payment provider side (eg. asynchronous webhooks for delayed payment methods, chargebacks, disputes etc.).

It takes the following arguments:

  • id: The id of the transaction.
  • type: Type of the reported action.
  • amount: The amount of the reported action. The amount is rounded based on the given currency precision. It is mandatory for all REQUEST, SUCCESS, ACTION_REQUIRED, and REQUEST events. For other events, if the amount is not provided, it will be calculated based on previous events with the same pspReference. If the amount cannot be determined, an error will be raised. (Refer to the additional details below ).
  • pspReference: The reference assigned to the action.
  • time: The time of the action.
  • externalUrl: The URL for the staff user to check the details of the action on the payment provider's page. This URL will be available in the Saleor Dashboard.
  • message: Message related to the action. The maximum length is 512 characters; any text exceeding this limit will be truncated.
  • availableActions: Current list of actions available for the transaction.

The transactionEventReport can only be called by staff users with HANDLE_PAYMENTS permission or by the App that created the transaction and has HANDLE_PAYMENTS permission.

The following example shows how the transactionEventReport mutation is used to report an event that happened for a given transaction. The report is a success charge action, with 20 as an amount. The currency is the same as declared for the transaction. Available action that can proceed for a transaction is REFUND. The provided data will be used to create a new TransactionEvent object that will be included in the recalculation process.

mutation TransactionEventReport {
id: "VHJhbnNhY3Rpb25JdGVtOjE="
amount: 20
pspReference: "psp-123"
time: "2022-01-01"
externalUrl: ""
message: "Charge completed"
availableActions: [REFUND]
) {
errors {
transaction {
transactionEvent {
Expand β–Ό

In the response, Saleor returns:

  • alreadyProcessed - Defines if the reported event hasn't been processed earlier. If there is an event with the same pspReference, amount, and type as the ones provided in the input mutation, Saleor will return it instead of creating a new one, and the flag will be set to true.

Saleor will throw an exception if events cannot be deduplicated in following cases:

  • Other event has the same pspReference but different amount: INCORRECT_DETAILS error will be raised
  • AUTHORZATION_SUCCESS event already exists with different amount or with different pspReference: ALREADY_EXISTS error will be raised
  • transaction - Transaction that has been updated based on the received report.
  • transactionEvent - TransactionEvent that has been created based on the received report.

Amount calculations for reporting an action with missing amount value​

The amount value is required for the following event types:

It's optional for the rest of the events. In case of missing amount value the following rules are used to calculate the amount:

  • In case of missing amount for event INFO, the 0 is used.
  • In case of missing amount for all *_FAILURE, the amount is taken from the corresponding *_SUCCESS or *_REQUEST event with the same pspReference. In case of multiple events, the value from the newest event is taken:
    • for REFUND_FAILURE the amount is taken from the newest event of one of the following types: REFUND_SUCCESS, REFUND_REQUEST, CHARGE_SUCCESS, CHARGE_FAILURE, CHARGE_REQUEST;
    • for CHARGE_FAILURE the amount is taken from the newest event of one of the following types: CHARGE_SUCCESS, CHARGE_REQUEST, AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS, AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE, AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST;
    • for AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE the amount is taken from the newest event of one of the following types: AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS, AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST;
    • for CANCEL_FAILURE the amount is taken from the newest event of one of the following types: CANCEL_SUCCESS, CANCEL_REQUEST, AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS, AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE, AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST.
  • In case of REFUND_REVERSE the amount is taken from the REFUND_SUCCESS event with the same pspReference.
  • In case of CHARGEBACK the amount is taken from the CHARGE_SUCCESS event with the same pspReference.
  • If the specific event for the pspReference doesn't exist, the error will be raised.

Events Not Requiring pspReference​

The following events do not require a pspReference:


If the pspReference is missing, the event will still be created but will be excluded from transaction amount recalculations. Consequently, it will not impact the charge, refund, cancel, or authorize amounts. Additionally, it will not affect any existing transactionEvent of the same type that has a pspReference set.

Handling action requests for transactions​

An action request is called when a staff user or an app requests an action for a given transaction.

Two mutations can trigger the action on the app side:

The response should contain at least pspReference of the action. The pspReference will be placed in the previously created event of …_REQUEST type. Optionally the response can contain the details of the completed action.

More information about request webhooks can be found in the synchronous webhooks for transactions guide.


The webhook will be sent only to the app that created the transaction.

Asynchronously processing actions​

When action is processed asynchronously on the payment provider side, the app should call the transactionActionRequest mutation once it receives a webhook notification from the payment provider.

The diagram below shows an example of processing asynchronous refund action.

Synchronously processing the action​

The app immediately receives the status of the requested action. It can provide the details of the action in response to the received Saleor webhook. The following webhook events can accept action details in the response: TRANSACTION_CHARGE_REQUESTED, TRANSACTION_CANCELATION_REQUESTED, TRANSACTION_REFUND_REQUESTED.

The below diagram shows an example of processing synchronous refund action.

TransactionItem and TransactionEvents pspReference Matching​

Both TransactionItem and TransactionEvent contain a pspReference field, which refers to the payment service provider reference.

  • The pspReference on TransactionItem identifies the overall payment.
  • The pspReference on TransactionEvent identifies specific actions that occurred within the Transaction.

Key Assumptions:

Setting the pspReference on the TransactionItem​

The pspReference value in a TransactionItem may initially be empty if it is not provided during the TransactionCreate mutation or as a result of the TransactionInitialize mutation.

The transactionItem.pspReference is updated during payment processing and reflects the pspReference from the most recent event received from the payment application. For example: β€’ If a transaction is successful, the pspReference will be set based on the last SUCCESS event from the payment provider. β€’ If the event sequence changes or multiple events are received, the pspReference always represents the value from the latest processed event.

The pspReference can be updated through the transactionUpdate mutation if necessary.

Events with optional pspReference​

Certain event types do not require a pspReference. For more details, see Events Not Requiring pspReference.

Handling TransactionEvent Reports for Existing Types​

When a TransactionEvent is reported:

  1. Event Type Check: If the event type is AUTHORIZATION_ACTION_REQUIRED, CHARGE_ACTION_REQUIRED, or INFO, a new event is always created.
  2. Existing Event Check: For other types, the system searches for an existing event with the same type and pspReference assigned to the TransactionItem requested in the input.
    • Amount Match: If an existing event is found, the system compares its amount to the reported event’s amount.
      • If the amounts match, the existing event is reused, and the transactionEvent.alreadyProcessed value is set to True. For more information about this field, refer to the Reporting actions for transactions.
      • If they do not match, an error is raised.
    • No Existing Event: If no matching event is found, a new one is created, except for AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS, which must be unique, attempting to create a duplicate raises an error.


Follow Transactions Webhook Events guide.

Automatic Checkout completion​

The Checkout can be automatically converted into an Order, once the related TransactionItems fully cover Checkout.


This feature isn't compatible with legacy Payments API that uses plugins (instead of apps). For example this setting won't work with Stripe plugin.

Payments API uses checkoutComplete mutation to pass payment data to a plugin and return payment status, thanks to this Order is always created right after such payment is made. This means that this setting doesn't impact Payments API.

A checkout is considered fully covered when the Checkout.authorizeStatus is set to FULL.

This occurs when the total of authorizedAmount, chargedAmount, authorizePendingAmount, and chargePendingAmount from all transactions connected to the Checkout covers the checkout.totalPrice.

To enable automatic checkout completion, update the channel checkout settings using the configuration example below:

mutation UpdateChannel($id: ID!,$input: ChannelUpdateInput!){
channelUpdate(id: $id, input: $input){
checkoutSettings {

Query variables:

"id": "Q2hhbm5lbDox",
"input": {
"checkoutSettings": {
"automaticallyCompleteFullyPaidCheckouts": true

If any issues occur during checkout validation, the checkout will not be completed. The checkout does not pass the validation when:

  • contains unavailable items:
    • one of the checkout line has missing product or variant channel listing or the price is not set;
    • one of the product is not available for purchase;
    • one of the product is set as not visible to the customers;
  • billing address is not set;
  • attached voucher is not applicable;
  • attached gift card is not valid;
  • shipping method is invalid;
  • channel is inactive.

You can view the specific issues using the Checkout.problems query. For more details, please refer to the Checkout Problems page.


Once this setting is enabled, you should verify if your connected services, including storefront, can handle this flow.

Please remember, that if setting is enabled:

  • Checkout will be deleted after checkout completion which means that any query or mutation relying on it will no longer work after that
  • Running checkoutComplete on a Checkout that was already completed, will return previously created Order object

Checkout will be automatically completed even if some Transactions are still pending and waiting for confirmation from payment provider. Checkouts are considered "covered" as long as the total amount is covered (see when authorizeStatus is set to FULL in payment lifecycle docs).

Keep in mind that a pending Transaction might be rejected later, which will result in an unpaid order. To clear orders that remain unpaid you can use Order Expiration feature


Once Checkout is converted to into Order, the authorizeStatus might change from FULL to NONE or PARTIAL. This happens because Order.authorizeStatus uses different logic to calculate its value.

  • For checkouts: pending Transactions are considered "paid" and are included in the Checkout.authorizeStatus calculation.
  • For orders: pending Transactions are not considered "paid" and will not be included in the Order.authorizeStatus calculation.