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Payment status on Order​

Order.paymentStatus represents the combined payment and refund status of the order. It's calculated based on:

  • value
  • status of the payments
  • refunds granted for the order

When no refunds are created, the status is one of the following:

  • PENDING: waiting for the response from the payment gateway
  • REFUSED: payment refused by the payment gateway
  • CANCELLED: payment has been canceled
  • NOT_CHARGED: the amount is authorized but not charged
  • PARTIALLY_CHARGED: the charged amount does not cover the order total
  • FULLY_CHARGED: charged funds fully cover the order total

Creating the refund will change the status to:

  • PARTIALLY_REFUNDED: the refunded amount does not cover the order total
  • FULLY_REFUNDED: refunded funds fully cover the order total

Checkout doesn't have paymentStatus field.

Authorize status​

Authorization status calculation for Checkout​

Checkout.authorizeStatus depends on:

  • sum of charged transactions (TransactionItem.chargedAmount)
  • sum of transactions with pending charge (TransactionItem.chargePendingAmount)
  • sum of a authorized transactions (TransactionItem.authorizedAmount)
  • sum of transactions with pending authorization (TransactionItem.authorizePendingAmount)
  • checkout.totalPrice value

Note that pending amounts are included in Checkout authorizeStatus calculation, but are not considered in Order authorizeStatus calculation.

In this context, authorization means that funds have been either authorized or charged (or a combination of partially charged and partially authorized).

AuthorizationStatus = Charged + ChargePending + Authorized + AuthorizePending

The status is calculated based on summing up all transactions assigned to the Checkout (authorizedAmount, authorizationPendingAmount, chargedAmount, chargePendingAmount on TransactionItem) and by comparing it with the checkout.totalPrice value.

It uses a formula:

AmountToCover = checkout.totalPrice
CoveredAmount = sum(checkout.transactions.chargedAmount) + sum(checkout.transactions.chargePendingAmount) + sum(checkout.transactions.authorizePendingAmount) + sum(checkout.transactions.authorizedAmount)

Based on that calculation Checkout.authorizeStatus can have the following values:

  • NONE: No funds have been authorized. (CoveredAmount <= 0)
  • PARTIAL: Some funds were authorized, but they do not cover required amount (AmountToCover > CoveredAmount)
  • FULL: The authorized funds fully cover the required amount. (AmountToCover <= CoveredAmount)

Transaction that is pending will be confirmed later by the payment app (it will result in either success or failure).

This means user can create an Order that may remain unpaid if the pending amounts eventually fail.

Available transitions​

  • Status is updated when Checkout's totalAmount is changed.
  • Status is updated when Checkout's TransactionItem's amounts are updated.

Authorization status calculation for Order​

Order.authorizeStatus status depends on:

  • sum of charged transactions (TransactionItem.chargedAmount)
  • sum of authorized transactions (TransactionItem.authorizedAmount)
  • order.totalGrantedRefund value
  • value

Unlike Checkout, this status does not take into consideration pending transactions.

This means that after completing checkout, authorizeStatus might be set from FULL to NONE, if payments are pending.

Authorization in this context means that funds have been either fully or partially authorized or charged.

AuthorizationStatus = Charged + Authorized

The status is calculated based on summing up all transactions assigned to the Order (authorizedAmount and chargedAmount on each TransactionItem) and by comparing it with the difference between total and totalGrantedRefund.

It uses a formula:

AmountToCover = - order.totalGrantedRefund
CoveredAmount = sum(order.transactions.chargedAmount) + sum(order.transactions.authorizedAmount)

Based on that calculation Order.authorizeStatus can have the following values:

  • NONE: No funds have been authorized. (CoveredAmount <= 0)
  • PARTIAL: Some funds were authorized, but they do not cover required amount (AmountToCover > CoveredAmount)
  • FULL: The authorized funds fully cover the required amount. (AmountToCover <= CoveredAmount)

Available transitions​

  • Status is updated when Order's totalAmount is changed.
  • Status is updated when Order's TransactionItem's amounts are updated.
  • Status is updated when Order.grantedRefunds are updated.

Charge status​

Charge status calculations for Order​

Order.chargeStatus depends on:

  • sum of charged transactions (TransactionItem.chargedAmount)
  • order.totalGrantedRefund value
  • value

Unlike Checkout, this status does not take into consideration pending transactions.

The status is calculated by summing up all transactions assigned to the Order (chargedAmount on each TransactionItem) and by comparing it with the difference between total and totalGrantedRefund.

It uses a formula:

AmountToCover = - order.totalGrantedRefund
CoveredAmount = sum(order.transactions.chargedAmount)

Based on that calculation Order.chargeStatus can have following values:

  • NONE: No funds have been charged. (CoveredAmount <= 0)
  • PARTIAL: Some funds were charged, but they do not cover required amount. (AmountToCover > CoveredAmount)
  • FULL: Charged funds fully cover the required amount. (AmountToCover == CoveredAmount)
  • OVERCHARGED: Charged funds exceed the required amount. (CoveredAmount > AmountToCover)

Available transitions​

  • Status is updated when Order's totalAmount is changed.
  • Status is updated when Order's TransactionItem's amounts are updated.
  • Status is updated when new TransactionItem is created on Order.
  • Status is updated when Order.grantedRefunds are updated.

Charge status calculations for Checkout​

Checkout.chargeStatus depends on:

  • sum of charged transactions (TransactionItem.chargedAmount)
  • sum of transactions with pending charge (TransactionItem.chargePendingAmount)
  • checkout.totalPrice value

The status is calculated based on summing up all transactions assigned to the Checkout (chargedAmount and chargePendingAmount on each TransactionItem) and by comparing it with the checkout.totalPrice value.

It uses a formula:

AmountToCover = checkout.totalPrice
CoveredAmount = sum(checkout.transactions.chargedAmount) + sum(checkout.transactions.chargePendingAmount)

Based on that calculation Checkout.chargeStatus can have the following values:

  • NONE: No funds have been charged.
  • PARTIAL: The charged funds do not fully cover the checkout's total amount (AmountToCover > CoveredAmount).
  • FULL: The charged funds fully cover the checkout's total. (AmountToCover == CoveredAmount)
    • At this point, the CHECKOUT_FULLY_PAID webhook event is sent, and checkoutComplete can be called to convert the checkout into an order.
  • OVERCHARGED: The charged funds exceed the checkout's total. (CoveredAmount > AmountToCover)
    • In this case, the CHECKOUT_FULLY_PAID webhook event is sent as well, and checkoutComplete can still be called to convert the checkout into an order.

When the checkout chargeStatus is either FULL or OVERCHARGED, the authorizeStatus also changes to FULL, allowing the checkout to be completed. However, any pending amounts (whether successful or failed) will be confirmed later by the payment application. This means that even though the order is created, it may still remain unpaid if the pending amounts fail to process.

Available transitions​

  • Status is updated when Checkout's totalAmount is changed.
  • Status is updated when Checkout's TransactionItem's amounts are updated.

Transactions recalculation of amounts​

Mental model​

Each TransactionItem has a ledger of events. This way we can calculate current transaction state based on the events history. You can think about it as a bank account: you start with some balance, then you add or subtract amounts based on the events that happen.

History cannot be modified, just like in a bank account. In order to reverse an event you must create a new one.

Order of events​

New events can be reported to Saleor in non-subsequent order. This means that some old event might arrive later than a new one. For example:

  • on 10 AM Saleor receives CHARGE_SUCCESS event from payment app that was processed at 9:50 AM by payment provider
  • on 10:20 AM Saleor receives AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event, that was process at 9:30 AM by payment provider.

This will result in a following list of events:

  • AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS with date: 9:30 AM
  • CHARGE_SUCCESS with date: 9:50 AM

Reporting new events​

Automatic events​

Events are created automatically by Saleor when calling transactionInitialize mutation. It creates either:

  • AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST when action in mutation input or channel.transactionFlowStrategy is AUTHORIZATION
  • or CHARGE_REQUEST when action in mutation input or channel.transactionFlowStrategy is CHARGE

Events are also created when requesting action in Saleor (refund, charge, cancel) via transactionRequestAction mutation.

Such events don't have initially any pspReference, it's filled in once Saleor receives a response from payment app.

Saleor also creates automatically _FAILURE events when an exception happens:

  • when handling transactionEventReport mutation
  • when handling incorrect response from sync webhook sent to payment app (e.g. app didn't respond in 20s, returned JSON is invalid, etc.)

Such events don't have pspReference and include a message that explains the error.

App events​

Events are also created by a payment app that processes the payment:


Instead of creating new event, Saleor will update existing event's missing pspReference field when:

  • Event without pspReference already exists, because it was automatically created by Saleor after calling transactionInitialize or transactionProcess mutation
  • Response from TRANSACTION_INITIALIZE_SESSION or TRANSACTION_PROCESS_SESSION has the same type as that initial event

When updating event createdAt field won't be changed.


It can look like this:

  1. User requests payment by calling transactionInitialize mutation - Saleor immediately created new CHARGE_REQUESTED event
  2. App sends response from TRANSACTION_INITIALIZE_SESSION webhook with type: CHARGE_ACTION_REQUIRED
  3. User completes the action and calls transactionProcess
  4. App sends response from TRANSACTION_PROCESS_SESSION webhook with the same type as first event - CHARGE_REQUESTED
  5. Saleor instead of creating new event, updates existing event CHARGE_REQUESTED with received pspReference

Note that this will result in events order as follows:

  1. CHARGE_REQUESTED with updated pspReference (updated events don't get their createdAt field modified)

Events can be de-duplicated, when that happens new one won't be created. Read more in Event deduplication section.

Rules of calculating amounts​

Each event impacts different amount on TransactionItem:


Each event can be excluded from calculation if it has matching *_FAILURE event with the same pspReference and newer time than the *_REQUEST / *_SUCCESS event.

  • authorizedAmount - AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event amount
    • there can be only one AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event for given TransactionItem
    • it can be modified by AUTHORIZATION_ADJUSTMENT event
    • subtracting canceledAmount and cancelPendingAmount
  • authorizePendingAmount - sum of AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event amounts
  • chargedAmount - sum of CHARGE_SUCCESS event amounts and sum REFUND_REVERSE event amounts
    • subtracting all CHARGE_BACK events that lower this amount
    • subtracting refundedAmount and refundPendingAmount
  • chargePendingAmount - sum of CHARGE_REQUEST event amounts
  • refundedAmount - sum of REFUND_SUCCESS event amounts
  • refundPendingAmount - sum of REFUND_REQUEST event amounts
  • canceledAmount - sum of CANCEL_SUCCESS event amounts
  • cancelPendingAmount - sum of CANCEL_REQUEST event amounts

AUTHORIZATION_ACTION_REQUIRED, CHARGE_ACTION_REQUIRED, and INFO event types are not included in amount calculations.

To learn more about each event type, see Transaction event types section.

To learn more about amount calculations see Price calculations page.

Events deduplication​

Each event in TransactionItem is identified by pspReference. This field is used to de-duplicate events in case there were reported multiple times by the payment app. Deduplication is done within single TransactionItem.

For example if Saleor receives two CHARGE_SUCCESS events for a single TransactionItem with the same pspReference and amount there will be only one event stored on the Transaction. Second event will be treated as "already reported" and it won't be stored by Saleor.


If the CHARGE_SUCCESS event has different amount Saleor will throw an error.

When reporting such events in transactionEventReport mutation it returns event that already exists and a flag alreadyReported: true.

You can learn more about this mutation and event deduplication in Reporting actions for transactions docs.

State machine​

Saleor Transaction model is not a state machine. This allows great flexibility when integrating with many payment providers, even those that might implement some unconventional flows. However this also means that we do not forbid changes on Transactions that might be seen as invalid by your business use-case, such validation is on the Payment App side.

For example:

  • Available actions on TransactionItem (list of REFUND, CHARGE, CANCEL) are honored by Saleor Dashboard, but are not rejected once transactionRequestAction is requested via API - such request is sent to payment app
  • Transaction might receive CANCEL_SUCCESS event even though it had CHARGE_SUCCESS reported (in such case to lower chargedAmount app would need to report REFUND_SUCCESS event).

Existing validation​

With that in mind, Saleor prohibits following changes, that would otherwise cause incorrect internal calculations:

  • Multiple AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS events with different either pspReference or amount
    • Saleor will throw an exception: "Event with AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS already reported for the transaction. Use AUTHORIZATION_ADJUSTMENT to change the authorization amount."

Example: AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event with pspReference: psp1 and amount: 10 USD, then report AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event with pspReference: psp2 and amount: 10 USD


Fix: In order to change authorizedAmount value on existing TransactionItem, payment app should send AUTHORIZATION_ADJUSTMENT event.

If there was a new payment made (e.g. outside of Saleor flow), instead of reporting multiple AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS events which would be rejected by Saleor, create new TransactionItem by calling transactionCreate mutation.

  • Reporting the same event based on type and pspReference with different amount
    • Saleor will throw an exception: "The transaction with provided pspReference and type already exists with different amount."

Example: REFUND_SUCCESS with pspReference: psp1 and amount: 10 USD, then report REFUND_SUCCESS with pspReference: psp1 and amount: 21 USD


Fix: Previous event must be invalidated via _FAILURE event, then report _SUCCESS event again, new _SUCCESS event must have different pspReference.


The tables below show examples of transactions and their amounts when a given event is attached to the transaction. Depending on the event type, the amounts may change. The last columns show the current amounts assigned to the transaction after processing the events defined in a given row and in the rows above it.


After receiving an AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event, the amount defined in the event is attached to transaction.authorizePendingAmount. Then, an AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event is attached to the transaction. Since the AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event has the same pspReference as the AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event, the transaction.authorizePendingAmount is reduced by the event amount, and added to the transaction.authorizedAmount. An AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE event doesn’t change anything, as there isn’t an AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event related to it.


Upon receiving an AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event, the corresponding amount is attached to transaction.authorizePendingAmount. An AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event is then attached to the transaction, with the same pspReference as the AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event. The transaction.authorizePendingAmount is reduced by the event amount, and the result is added to the transaction.authorizedAmount. Note that an AUTHORIZATION_ADJUSTMENT event will overwrite the previous transaction.authorizedAmount and cause the previous AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event to be ignored.


The transaction receives an AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event. Since there is no AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST with the same pspReference, the value of transaction.authorizePendingAmount will not be changed. The amount from the event is assigned to transaction.authorizedAmount.


When the transaction receives an AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event, if there is no AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST with the same pspReference, the value of transaction.authorizePendingAmount will not change. The amount from the event is then assigned to transaction.authorizedAmount. Additionally, a CHARGE_REQUEST event is added to the transaction, and the amount from the event is added to transaction.chargePendingAmount. The amount also reduces transaction.authorizedAmount. Finally, when a CHARGE_SUCCESS event occurs, the transaction.chargePendingAmount is reduced by the event’s amount and added to transaction.chargedAmount.


When an AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event is attached to the transaction, the transaction.authorizedAmount is updated with the amount from the event. If there is no AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST with the same pspReference, the transaction.authorizePendingAmount remains unchanged. Additionally, a CHARGE_REQUEST event is added to the transaction, and its amount is added to transaction.chargePendingAmount. The transaction.authorizedAmount is reduced by the amount from the CHARGE_REQUEST event. Finally, when a CHARGE_SUCCESS event occurs, the transaction.chargedAmount is updated with the event's amount, and the transaction.chargePendingAmount is reduced by the same amount. A CHARGE_FAILURE event with the same pspReference as CHARGE_SUCCESS is also attached to the transaction, time indicating that it is newer than the CHARGE_SUCCESS. The previous CHARGE_SUCCESS event is ignored during the recalculation process.


When an AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event is attached to a transaction, the transaction.authorizedAmount is updated with the event's amount. If there is no AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST with the same pspReference, the transaction.authorizePendingAmount remains unchanged. In addition, a CHARGE_REQUEST event is added to the transaction, and its amount is added to transaction.chargePendingAmount. The transaction.authorizedAmount is reduced by the amount from the CHARGE_REQUEST event. Finally, when a CHARGE_SUCCESS event occurs, the transaction.chargedAmount is updated with the event's amount, and the transaction.chargePendingAmount is reduced by the same amount. A CHARGE_FAILURE event with the same pspReference as CHARGE_SUCCESS is also attached to the transaction. The time field indicates that it is older than the CHARGE_SUCCESS event. This means that the CHARGE_FAILURE event will be ignored, and the CHARGE_SUCCESS event will be included in the calculations.



The AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event is attached to the transaction, and its amount is added to transaction.authorizedAmount. Similarly, the CHARGE_SUCCESS event is attached to the transaction, and its amount is added to transaction.chargedAmount. Finally, the amount of the AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event is subtracted from the transaction.authorizedAmount.

Transaction event types​

Authorization events​


Saleor assigns provided amount to transaction.authorizedAmount. If an AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event is related to an AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event by pspReference, then the transactionItem.authorizePendingAmount will be reduced by the amount reported in the AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event. You can’t have two successful authorizations for a single transaction. Each successful request after the first one will raise an exception. AUTHORIZATION_ADJUSTMENT should be used to change the transaction.authorizedAmount.


In the case of finding AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS and AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE with the same pspReference, the recalculation for transaction.authorizedAmount will not take into account the amount from AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS, when AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS is the older one.


If an AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE event is related to an AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event by pspReference, then the transactionItem.authorizePendingAmount will be reduced by the amount reported in the AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE event. If there is no related AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST, the failure event will only be used to provide the history of transactionItem actions.


Saleor assigns the provided amount to the transaction.authorizedAmount.


Indicates that additional action is required from the customer to finalize the payment. Does not affect any amounts in the transactionItem. Multiple events of this type might be present.

Charge events​


Adds the provided amount to the transaction.chargedAmount. Each next call will add the amount to the existing transaction.chargedAmount (transaction.chargedAmount += amount). If a CHARGE_SUCCESS event is related to a CHARGE_REQUEST event by pspReference, then the transactionItem.chargePendingAmount will be reduced by the amount reported in the CHARGE_SUCCESS event. If there is no related CHARGE_REQUEST event, the provided amount will reduce transaction.authorizedAmount.


In the case of finding CHARGE_SUCCESS and CHARGE_FAILURE with the same pspReference, the recalculation for transaction.chargedAmount will not take into account the amount from CHARGE_SUCCESS, when CHARGE_SUCCESS is the older one.


If an CHARGE_FAILURE event is related to an CHARGE_REQUEST event by pspReference, then the transactionItem.chargePendingAmount will be reduced by the amount reported in the CHARGE_FAILURE event. If there is no related CHARGE_REQUEST, the failure event will only be used to provide the history of transactionItem actions.


The provided amount will be used to reduce transaction.chargedAmount (transaction.chargedAmount -= amount).


Indicates that additional action is required from the customer to finalize the payment. Does not affect any amounts in the transactionItem. Multiple events of this type might be present.

Refund events​


Refund events should only be triggered if the transaction has been previously charged. Triggering a refund for uncharged transactions can lead to negative chargedAmount. Refund events modify both the refundedAmount and chargedAmount values, so if the transaction wasn’t charged beforehand, it may result in data inconsistencies.


Adds provided amount to transaction.refundedAmount and removes it from transaction.chargedAmount. Each next call will add the amount to the existing transaction.refundedAmount (transaction.refundedAmount += amount) and remove from transaction.chargedAmount (transaction.chargedAmount -= amount).

If a REFUND_SUCCESS event is related to a REFUND_REQUEST event by pspReference, then the transactionItem.refundPendingAmount will be reduced by the amount reported in the REFUND_SUCCESS event. If there is no related REFUND_REQUEST event, the provided amount will reduce transaction.chargedAmount.


In the case of finding REFUND_SUCCESS and REFUND_FAILURE with the same pspReference, the recalculation for transaction.refundedAmount will not take into account the amount from REFUND_SUCCESS, when REFUND_SUCCESS is the older one.


If an REFUND_FAILURE event is related to an REFUND_REQUEST event by pspReference, then the transactionItem.refundPendingAmount will be reduced by the amount reported in the REFUND_FAILURE event. If there is no related REFUND_REQUEST, the failure event will only be used to provide the history of transactionItem actions.


The provided amount will be used to reduce transaction.refundedAmount (transaction.refundedAmount -= amount). The provided amount will increase transaction.chargedAmount.

Cancel events​


Cancel events should only be triggered if the transaction has been previously authorized. Triggering a cancel for transactions that didn't have any authorizedAmount can lead to negative authorizedAmount. Cancel events modify both the canceledAmount and authorizedAmount values, so if the transaction wasn’t authorized beforehand, it may result in data inconsistencies.


The provided amount will be added to transaction.canceledAmount (transaction.canceledAmount += amount). If a CANCEL_SUCCESS event is related to a CANCEL_REQUEST event by pspReference, then the transactionItem.cancelPendingAmount will be reduced by the amount reported in the CANCEL_SUCCESS event. If there is no related CANCEL_REQUEST event, the provided amount will reduce transaction.authorizedAmount.


In the case of finding CANCEL_SUCCESS and CANCEL_FAILURE with the same pspReference, the recalculation for transaction.canceledAmount will not take into account the amount from CANCEL_SUCCESS, when CANCEL_SUCCESS is the older one.


If an CANCEL_FAILURE event is related to an CANCEL_REQUEST event by pspReference, then the transactionItem.cancelPendingAmount will be reduced by the amount reported in the CANCEL_FAILURE event. If there is no related CANCEL_REQUEST, the failure event will only be used to provide the history of transactionItem actions.

Other events​


Represents an informational event that provides context or updates without directly impacting the payment process. Does not affect any amounts in the transactionItem. Multiple events of this type might be present.

Transaction event flow​

Transaction events modify the amount fields, which define the state of the transaction. We do not require any specific order of incoming events, the transaction amounts will be calculated based on the rules described above. But to maintain accuracy and integrity, it is important that events are triggered in a valid order. The chart below illustrates the possible sequence of events that can follow one another. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in negative values and data inconsistencies.

  • Transaction flow strategy: Authorization
  • Transaction flow strategy: Charge